Designing Robust and Scalable APIs

Rajan Sahu
4 min readSep 11, 2024

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In today’s interconnected world, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the backbone of modern applications, facilitating seamless communication between different software components. Whether you’re building a public API for third-party developers or an internal API for your organization, adhering to best practices is crucial to ensure your API is robust, scalable, and easy to use.

This article delves into essential API design principles, providing practical examples and insights to help you create exceptional APIs.

1. Define a Clear Purpose

Before embarking on API design, establish a crystal-clear understanding of its purpose. Ask yourself:

  • What problem does your API solve?
  • Who are the intended users?
  • How will the API be used?

By answering these questions, you’ll define the scope and functionality of your API, ensuring it meets the needs of its target audience.

  • API Purpose: To provide a RESTful API for managing customer data in an e-commerce platform.
  • Intended Users: Developers building integrations with the e-commerce platform.



Rajan Sahu

Backend and Data Engineer by Day; Teacher, Friend and Content-Writer by night.